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Friday, June 11, 2021


नाम : लिंग



Bull (or ox)   











maid, spinster



















2. शब्द+अव्यय जोडून;

उदा :-























(लक्षात ठेवा की खालील पुल्लिंगी नामांकित (Masculine Nouns) अंतिम स्वर (Vowel) गाळून -ess असे लावले जाते.)





















टीप - पुल्लिंगी नामांचे स्त्रीलिंगी रूप बनविण्यासाठी 'ess' प्रत्यय (suffix) वापरणे सर्वात जास्त प्रचलित आहे आणि केवळ हाच असा प्रत्यय आहे ज्याचा वापर नवीन स्त्रीलिंगी नाम बनविण्यासाठी आता आपण करतो.











3. पहिल्या किंवा शेवटच्या शब्दात बदल करून -























Find Related Word Questions Set 1


Q.1) You will choose the word that is a necessary part of the bold word.

1. harvest

A.autumn    B. stockpile    C. tractor    D. crop

2. desert

A. cactus    B. arid    C. oasis    D. flat

3. book

A. fiction    B. pages    C. pictures    D. learning

4. language

A. tongue    B. slang    C. writing    D. words

5. school

A. student    B. report card    C. test    D. learning

6. pain

A. cut    B. burn    C. nuisance    D. hurt

7. gala

A. celebration    B. tuxedo    C. appetizer    D. orator

8. monopoly

A. corrupt    B. exclusive    C. rich    D. gigantic

9. guitar

A. band    B. teacher    C. songs    D. strings

10. election

A. president    B. voter    C. November    D. nation

( ANS : Q.1 = D, Q.2 = B, Q.3 = B, Q.4 = D, Q.5 = A, Q.6 = D, Q.7 = A, Q.8 = B, Q.9 = D, Q.10 = B )


Q. 2) You will choose the word that is a necessary part of the bold word.

1. ovation

A. outburst    B. bravo    C. applause    D. encore

2. bonus

A. reward    B. raise    C. cash    D. employer

3. antique

A. rarity    B. artifact    C. aged    D. prehistoric

4. culture

A. civility    B. education    C. agriculture    D. customs

5. knowledge

A. school    B. teacher    C. textbook    D. learning

6. domicile

A. tenant    B. dwelling    C. kitchen    D. house

7. vertebrate

A. backbone    B. reptile    C. mammal    D. animal

8. itinerary

A. map    B. route    C. travel    D. guidebook

9. orchestra

A. violin    B. stage    C. musician    D. soloist

10. facsimile

A. picture    B. image    C. mimeograph    D. copier

( ANS : Q.1 = C, Q.2 = A, Q.3 = C, Q.4 = D, Q.5 = D, Q.6 = A, Q.7 = A, Q.8 = B, Q.9 = C, Q.10 = B )


Q.3) You will choose the word that is a necessary part of the bold word.

1. wedding

A. love    B. church    C.ring    D. marriage

2. faculty

A. buildings    B. textbooks    C. teachers    D. meetings

3. recipe

A. desserts    B. directions    C. cookbook    D.utensils

4. autograph

A. athlete    B. actor    C. signature    D. pen

5. cage

A. enclosure    B. prisoner    C. animal    D. zoo

6. champion

A. running    B. swimming    C. winning    D. speaking

7. saddle

A. horse    B. seat    C. stirrups    D. horn

8. dome

A. rounded    B. geodesic    C. governmental    D. coppery

9. glacier

A. mountain    B. winter    C. prehistory    D. ice

10. directory

A. telephone    B. listing    C. computer    D. names

( Ans : Q.1 = D, Q.2 = C, Q.3 = B, Q.4 = C, Q.5 = A, Q.6 = C, Q.7 = B, Q.8 = A, Q.9 = D, Q.10 = B )


Idiom/ Pharases Sample Questions Set 1


Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom, If there is no correct meaning given, (E) 'None of these' will be the answer.

1. To make clean breast of

A. To gain prominence

B. To praise oneself

C. To confess without of reserve

D. To destroy before it blooms

E. None of these

2. To keeps one's temper

A. To become hungry    

B. To be in good mood

C. To preserve ones energy    

D. To be aloof from

E. None of these

3. To catch a tartar

A. To trap wanted criminal with great difficulty

B. To catch a dangerous person

C. To meet with disaster

D. To deal with a person who is more than one's match

E. None of these

4. To drive home

A. To find one's roots    

B. To return to place of rest

C. Back to original position    

D. To emphasise

E. None of these

5. To have an axe to grind

A. A private end to serve    

B. To fail to arouse interest

C. To have no result    

D. To work for both sides

E. None of these

6. To cry wolf

A. To listen eagerly    

B. To give false alarm

C. To turn pale    

D. To keep off starvation

E. None of these

7. To end in smoke

A. To make completely understand

B. To ruin oneself

C. To excite great applause

D. To overcome someone

E. None of these

8. To be above board

A. To have a good height

B. To be honest in any business deal

C. They have no debts

D. To try to be beautiful

E. None of these

9. To put one's hand to plough

A. To take up agricultural farming

B. To take a difficult task

C. To get entangled into unnecessary things

D. Take interest in technical work

E. None of these

10. To pick holes

A. To find some reason to quarrel

B. To destroy something

C. To criticise someone

D. To cut some part of an item

E. None of these

( ANS : Q.1 = C, Q.2 = B, Q.3 = B, Q.4 = D, Q.5 = A, Q.6 = B, Q.7 = B, Q.8 = B, Q.9 = B, Q.10 = C)


Substitution Of Word Sample Questions Set


choose the one option can be substituted for the given word/ sentence.

1.  Habitually silent or talking little

A. Servile    B. Unequivocal    C. Taciturn    D. Synoptic

2. One who cannot be corrected

A. Incurable    B. Incorrigible    C. Hardened    D. Invulnerable

3. Be the embodiment or perfect example of

A. Characterise    B. Idol    C. Personify    D. Signify

4. A person not sure of the existence of god

A. Cynic    B. Agnostic    C. Atheist    D. Theist

5. A paper written by hand

A. Handicraft    B. Manuscript    C. Handiwork    D. Thesis

6. The act of violating the sanctity of the church is

A. Blashphemy    B. Heresy    C. Sacrilege    D. Desecration

7. Something that can be heard

A. Auditory    B. Audio-visual    C. Audible    D. Audition

8. A name adopted by an author in his writings

A. Nickname    B. Pseudonym    C. Nomenclature    D. Title

9. Study of birds

A. Orology    B. Optology    C. Opthalmology    D. Ornithology

10. A place that provides refuge

A. Asylum    B. Sanatorium    C. Shelter    D. Orphanage

( ANS : Q.1 = C, Q.2 = B, Q.3 = C, Q.4 = B, Q.5 = B, Q.6 = C, Q.7 = C, Q.8 = B, Q.9 = D, Q.10 = A)


Find Opposite Word


In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.


A. Implicit    B. Obnoxious    C. Explicit    D. Pedantic


A. Illiterate   B. Backward    C. Discourteous    D. Orthodox


A. Pride    B. Humility    C. Conceit    D. Ostentatious


A. Hardly    B. Definately    C. Frequently    D. Periodically


A. Kind    B. Boastful    C. Generous    D. Indifferent


A. Dialogue    B. Prelude    C. Post script    D. Epigram


A. Limited    B. Caring    C. Foolish    D. Changeable


A. Expand    B. Distribute    C. Interpret    D. Lengthen


A. Adoptable    B. Flexible    C. Yielding    D. Rigid


A. Irreligious    B. Unethical    C. Irreverent    D. Unholy

( ANS : Q.1 = C, Q.2 = C, Q.3 = B, Q.4 = C, Q.5 = A, Q.6 = B, Q.7 = A, Q.8 = A, Q.9 = D, Q.10 = D)


Word Selection Sample Questions Set 1


Choose the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. Some regions of our country still remain ...... to the average man.

A. inaccessible    B. impossible    C. impermeable    D. impenetrable

2. It ...... that Prashant will not be selected for the post

A. feels    B. looks    C. believes    D. seems

3. In Bush, Saddam was up ...... more than his match.

A. for    B. into    C. against    D. to

4. I haven't seen you ...... a week.

A. within    B. since    C. for    D. from

5. I listened, but I had no idea what he was ...... about.

A. saying    B. talking    C. telling    D. discussing

6. The car in which the minister was traveling ...... with an accident.

A. hit    B. drove    C. crashed    D. met

7. The non cooperative attitude of the members can only ...... the image of the society.

A. spoil    B.    improve    C. degrade    D. defame

8. Sonika is quite intelligent but rather ......

A. idealistic    B. generous    C. lazy    D. optimistic

9. In a little-publicised deal, Pepsi, Cola has ...... the entire soft drink market in Afghanistan.

A. occupied    B. conquered    C. swallowed    D. captured

10. He ...... in wearing the old fashioned coat in spite of his wife's disapproval.

A. insists    B. persists    C. desists    D. resists

(Ans : Q.1 = A, Q.2 = D, Q.3 = C, Q.4 = C, Q.5 = B, Q.6 = D, Q.7 = A, Q.8 = C, Q.9 = D, Q.10 = B )


Word Selection Sample Questions Set 2


Choose the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. Rohan and Rohit are twin brothers, but they do not look ......

A. unique    B. different    C. likely    D. alike

2. To err is ...... to forgive divine.

A. beastly    B. huma    C. inhuman    D. natural

3. The ruling party will have to put its own house ...... order.

A. in    B. on    C. to    D. into

4. ...... of old paintings is a job for experts.

A. Resurrection    B. Retrieval    C. Restoration    D. Resumption

5. During Diwali the shops are ...... of people.

A. busy    B. full    C. crowded    D. bubbling

6. The paths of glory lead ...... to the grave.

A. straight    B. but    C. in    D. directly

7. The telephone ...... several times before I answered it.

A. was ringing    B. has rung    C. had rung    D. would ring

8. I hate sitting ...... him as he always smells of garlic.

A. besides    B. along    C. at    D. beside 

9. Jawaharlal spent his childhood ...... Anand Bhawan.

A. at    B. in    C. on    D. across

10. If negotiations are to prove fruitful, there must not only be sincerity on each side, but there must also be ...... in the sincerity of the other side.

A. faith    B. belief    C. substance    D. certainty

(Ans : Q.1 = D, Q.2 = B, Q.3 = A, Q.4 = C, Q.5 = B, Q.6 = B, Q.7 = C, Q.8 = D, Q.9 = A, Q.10 = A )


Find Opposite Word Set 1


Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.


1. History abounds in instances of courage.

A. shines    B. lacks    C. suffices    D. fails

2. The inhabitants of the island were barbarians.

A. civilized    B. cruel    C. uncivilized    D. bad

3. The members thought that the task was feasible.

A. impractical    B. impossible    C. difficult    D. impracticable

4. crestfallen he returned as he had never faced such humiliation in the whole of his life.

A. vainglorious    B. indignant    C. triumphant    D. disturbed

5. Feasibility of the project is under study.

A. unsuitability    B. cheapness    C. impropriety    D. impracticability 

6. The incessant noise of the boring machine made it difficult for us to got to sleep at night.

A. intermittent    B. harsh    C. soft    D. constant

7. Unsettled conditions in the land led to exodus of hundreds of its citizens.

A. invasion    B. entry    C. immigration    D. expulsion

8. Many people try to resist reforms in the society.

A. fight    B. accept    C. welcome    D. repel

9. Because of the economy drive, they very unwillingly surrendered some superfluous posts.

A. important    B. relevant    C. significant    D. essential

10. The young leader was reluctant to shoulder the responsibilities of ministerial office.

A. wanting    B. willing    C. anxious    D. eager

 (Ans : Q.1 = B, Q.2 = A, Q.3 = A, Q.4 = C, Q.5 = D, Q.6 = A, Q.7 = B, Q.8 = C, Q.9 = B, Q.10 = B )


Find Opposite Word Set 2


In the following questions choose the word which is OPPOSITE of the given words.


A. Innocent       

B. Vapid

C. Ignorant    

D. Frivolous



A. Criticize    

B. Flatter

C. Exaggerate     

D. Adore



A. Amused    

B. Relaxed  

C. Endless    

D. Astonished



A. Occupied    

B. Engrossed

C. Relaxed      

D. Engaged



A. Faulty    

B. Sluggish

C. Disgraceful    

D. Stale   



A. Defendable    

B. Blameless 

C. Careless    

D. Irresponsible



A. Free    

B. Honest  

C. Liberal

D. Frank



A. Antisocial      

B. Glorious

C. Horrendous    

D. Similar



A. Uncertain    

B. Ignorant  

C. Sure    

D. Doubtful



A. Scaly    

B. Bald  

C. Erudite    

D. Quiet

(Ans : Q.1 = A, Q.2 = C, Q.3 = B, Q.4 = C, Q.5 = D, Q.6 = B, Q.7 = B, Q.8 = A, Q.9 = B, Q.10 = B )


Find The Errors Sample Questions Set 1


Read the each sentence to find any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 'D'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

1. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. We discussed about the problem so thoroughly  

B. on the eve of the examination

C. that I found it very easy to work it out.

D. No error.


2. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. An Indian ship

B. laden with merchandise

C. got drowned in the Pacific Ocean. 

D. No error.


3. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. The Indian radio

B. which was previously controlled by the British rulers

C. is free now from the narrow vested interests. 

D. No error.


4. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. I could not put up in a hotel

B. because the boarding and lodging charges

C. were exorbitant.

D. No error.


5. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. If I had known     

B. this yesterday

C. I will have helped him.     

D. No error.


6. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. A lot of travel delay is caused

B. due to the inefficiency and lack of good management

C. on behalf of the railways.  

D. No error.


7. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. One of the members    

B. expressed doubt if  

C. the Minister was an atheist.    

D. No error


8. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. I have got    

B. my M.Sc. degree

C. in 1988.

D. No error.


9. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. Having received your letter

B. this morning, we are writing

C. to thank you for the same.    

D. No error. 


10. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. If you lend him a book     

B. he will lend it to some one else

C. and never you will get it back.     

D. No error.

( उत्तरे : Q.1 = A, Q.2 = C, Q.3 = C, Q.4 = A, Q.5 = C, Q.6 = C, Q.7 = B, Q.8 = A, Q.9 = D, Q.10 = C )


Find The Errors Sample Questions Set 2


Read the each sentence to find the grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 'E'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

1. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. Several issues raising    

B. in the meeting could

C. be amicably resolved     

D. due to his tactful handling.

E. No error.


2. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. He deserted the path of honour

B. in order to

C. satisfy his ambition

D. and then went down his doom very quickly. 

E. No error.


3. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. Nitin's nephew, who lives

B. in Bangalore, is eager to travel to

C. Delhi to have

D. a glimpse of the capital.

E. No error. 


4. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. Bible   

B. can be

C. regarded as     

D. a great.

E. No error.


5. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. The institute     

B. imparts training

C. in     

D. the French. 

E. No error.


6. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. His father promised to     

B. give him anything what he 

C. wants if he     

D. passes in the examination.

E. No error.


7. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. Being a very fast worker,     

B. he is always liking  

C. by all his colleagues.    

D. and superiors too.

E. No error.


8. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. While luminaries of the dance world

B. have a dearth of opportunities to display their art  

C. upcoming dancers suffer from

D. an unfortunate lack of exposure.

E. No error.


9. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. I shall be able     

B. to complete the work in

C. stipulated time provide    

D. you do not disturb me.

E. No error.


10. (solve as per the direction given above)

A. Our neighbours had repeated 

B. the same illogical sequence of activities

C. if we had not brought the

D. facts to their notice.

E. No error.

(ANS : Q.1 = A, Q.2 = D, Q.3 = E, Q.4 = A, Q.5 = D, Q.6 = B, Q.7 = B, Q.8 = B, Q.9 = C, Q.10 = A )


Find The Meaning Of Word

In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.


A. Lean    

B. Gaunt

C. Emaciated    

D. Obese



A. Limited    

B. Small

C. Little    

D. Short  



A. Misappropriate     

B. Balance

C. Remunerate    

D. Clear



A. Opening   

B. Stodge

C. End    

D. Past tense of go



A. Common    

B. Ridiculous

C. Dignified     

D. Petty



A. Obstinate    

B. Handsome

C. Clever    

D. Stout



A. Energetic    

B. Observant

C. Intelligent    

D. Watchful  



A. Soldier    

B. Sailor

C. Pirate    

D. Spy



A. Far     

B. Removed

C. Reserved    

D. Separate



A. Failure     

B. Helplessness

C. Misfortune     

D. Crisis

( Ans : Q.1 = D, Q.2 = D, Q.3 = A, Q.4 = A, Q.5 = C, Q.6 = C, Q.7 = D, Q.8 = E, Q.9 = A, Q.10 = C )


Substitution Of Word Sample Questions Set 1


In questions given below, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

1. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool

A. Imbecility    

B. Senility

C. Dotage  

D. Superannuation


2. That which cannot be corrected

A. Unintelligible    

B. Indelible

C. Illegible    

D. Incorrigible 


3. The study of ancient societies

A. Anthropology    

B. Archaeology  

C. History    

D. Ethnology


4. A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power

A. Expert    

B. Intellectual   

C. Snob    

D. Literate


5. A person who insists on something

A. Disciplinarian    

B. Stickler   

C. Instantaneous    

D. Boaster


6. State in which the few govern the many

A. Monarchy    

B. Oligarchy   

C. Plutocracy    

D. Autocracy


7. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge

A. Pedantic      

B. Verbose

C. Pompous    

D. Ornate


8. List of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting

A. Schedule    

B. Timetable

C. Agenda      

D. Plan


9. Leave or remove from a place considered dangerous

A. Evade    

B. Evacuate   

C. Avoid    

D. Exterminate


10. A prima facie case is such

A. As it seems at first sight   

B. As it is made to seem at first sight

C. As it turns out to be at the end

D. As it seems to the court after a number of hearings

(Ans : Q.1 = C, Q.2 = D, Q.3 = B, Q.4 = B, Q.5 = B, Q.6 = B, Q.7 = A, Q.8 = C, Q.9 = B, Q.10 = A )


Substitution Of Word Sample Questions Set 2


In questions given below, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

1. A person pretending to be somebody he is not

A. Magician    

B. Rogue

C. Liar    

D. Imposter  


2. A person who knows many foreign languages

A. Linguist       

B. Grammarian

C. Polyglot    

D. Bilingual


3. One who has little faith in human sincerity and goodness

A. Egoist    

B. Fatalist

C. Stoic    

D. Cynic 


4. One who possesses many talents

A. Versatile      

B. Nubile

C. Exceptional    

D. Gifted


5. Words inscribed on tomb

A. Epitome    

B. Epistle

C. Epilogue    

D. Epitaph  


6. One who eats everything

A. Omnivorous       

B. Omniscient

C. Irrestible    

D. Insolvent


7. Malafide case is one

A. Which is undertaken in a good faith

B. Which is undertaken in a bad faith 

C. Which is undertaken after a long delay

D. Which is not undertaken at all


8. The custom or practice of having more than one husband at same time

A. Polygyny    

B. Polyphony

C. Polyandry      

D. Polychromy


9. Tending to move away from the centre or axis

A. Centrifugal     

B. Centripetal

C. Axiomatic    

D. Awry


10. Teetotaller means

A. One who abstains from theft

B. One who abstains from meat

C. One who abstains from taking wine   

D. One who abstains from malice

(Ans : Q.1 = D, Q.2 = A, Q.3 = D, Q.4 = A, Q.5 = D, Q.6 = A, Q.7 = B, Q.8 = C, Q.9 = A, Q.10 = B )


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